Saturday, October 15, 2011

Extreme Makeover, Home Edition--Oct. 15, 2011

Phase 1:

Okay, so maybe this really isn't an extreme makeover, but it's a little makeover.  Let's just say I haven't been very fond of our front bushes for some time now, and was really excited when Dad (and Mom) agreed to help us pull them out! 

 The view of our house with all of the overgrown bushes

 Pat, Oliver, and Dad assessing the situation

 And there goes the first one (which happens to be a very thorny, painful bush!  Pat and I have both had one of its thorns stuck in our toes at one point or another!)  Dad hooked up a chain from the bush to the pick-up and within a few seconds, it was outta there!  YEAH!!!

Eli quickly noticed that Dad and Pat had on their work gloves and demanded that he wear his "gloves" too!

 Eli helping to carry away some branches.  Good thing he has on those "gloves"!

 Peyton (Oliver's friend), Oliver, Eli, and Dad sitting in the pick-up

 Oliver trying to pull out one of the long roots

Our house, post bush removal!  I'm still not exactly sure what I want to plant now, but as long as it isn't huge, overgrown, or have thorns, I'll be happy!  (Phase 2 will include the removal of that big evergreen tree at the side of the house!)

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