Saturday, December 17, 2011

I Spy...Eli in the wardrobe--Dec. 14, 2011

Many, many years ago, my Grandpa Yousey and one of his friends built a wardrobe cabinet that Grandpa and Grandma used as a closet.  Pat and I now have it in our living room and use it to house our TV, games, toys, books, etc.  The other day, Eli decided to use it as a hiding place! 

 Can you find him??

 The little squirt pulled out both of the baskets filled with toys (and dumped them all over the floor) and climbed right in!

Comfy Eli??

Christmas program--Dec. 11, 2011

This was the first year Oliver participated in the Christmas program since we started going to Hope.  (Last year, Oliver got sick during Sunday School on the morning of the program so he had to stay home.)  All of the kids worked so hard, and they did such a great job!  Oliver had several speaking parts and a duet with one of his friends.  We were so proud of him!

Oliver's face painting--Dec. 9, 2011

Every year around Christmas at Oliver's school, they have a VERY cool event called Polar Express Night.  The kids stay at school until 8:30 pm and have a fun evening with their teachers and principals.  Everyone wears pajamas, the kids eat supper at school, and they play games, win prizes, and even get their faces painted!  This is a photo of Oliver after Polar Express this year...

I think Oliver looks like Pat during his goatee days (minus the red Rudolph nose!) 

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!--Dec. 2, 2011

Despite my original plans, Eli was wide awake during the setting up of the Christmas tree this year!  He actually did pretty well helping, once he learned that it wasn't okay to decorate the tree with Hot Wheels by throwing them into the tree!

By the way, Pat and I finally bought a new camera (Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, and Merry Christmas to us both!) and most of the photos from now on are using it.  We are still trying to get it figured out, but we really like it!

Since Oliver was at school when Eli and I put up the big Christmas tree, Oliver decorated his own tree in his room that evening.

MESS!!!--Dec. 1, 2011

Just a word to the wise (and Pat)...never give a full container of yogurt to a 2-year-old and then turn your back...even for a second!  If you do, this will be the result!

My projects--Dec. 17, 2011

As usual, my intentions are better than my actual actions!  November completely flew by, and now December is half gone as well, and I didn't get a single post done the entire time!  I'm planning to get my blog up to date in the next little while, but I wanted to share a few things I've been working on.  I found both of these ideas on (which I'm totally addicted to).  It's been nice for me to have something a little "crafty" to work on.  Being creative is one of the many aspects of teaching that I really miss.  Anyway, here's a couple of the things I've been up to lately...

 I found these letters online (there were actually hundreds to choose from), printed them like photos, and put them in the frame.  I think it looks pretty cool with my photos at the bottom of our stairs!

The other thing I've been working on is making tile coasters.  (If you are related to me, you might want to stop reading here, unless you want to see your Christmas present!)  I think I've made around 30 sets of 4 coasters in all...some for gifts, some for my mom and sister to give as gifts, and some to have on hand for my new shop...that's a whole other topic in itself!

I started using only scrapbook paper, but then decided to try photos as well.

And finally, I wrapped them up with a little bow!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Eli's questions...--Nov. 9, 2011

Eli's short but sweet conversations...

Eli:  Daddy, Daddy!  I wanna ask you a question!
Pat:  What's your question?
Eli:  My car wash!

2 minutes later...

Eli:  Daddy!  I wanna ask you a question!
Pat:  Okay, Eli.  What's your question?
Eli:  I have a banana!

I think we need to work more on the actual definition of a question!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!--Oct. 31, 2011

Oliver and Eli were both excited for Halloween this year!  When Oliver got home from school, his first words were, "When can we start getting ready??"  When I told Eli that we were going trick-or-treating, he said, "I go trick-treating!  I get some cake!!"  He knew he was supposed to end up with something yummy!

 Eli (Clifford the Big Red Dog) and Oliver (Bumblebee, the Transformer)

 Oliver, in his full attire

Daddy and Clifford 

The neighbor kids we went trick-or-treating with 

Eli and his goodies

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pumpkin carving--Oct. 30, 2011

This afternoon, Oliver carved a couple of the pumpkins that we got last weekend at the pumpkin patch.  I'm still a little taken aback that he can clean out the pumpkin and carve it without any help.  I guess I'm still a little taken aback that he is already 8, but I digress.  

I added this picture because according to Pat, Oliver's great-grandpa Jaberg (Robert Jaberg) had the habit of sticking out his tongue when he was concentrating on something.  That tendency has definitely been passed down to Oliver! 

 Baxter had to get in on the fun!

 Eli was throwing a fit because he wanted "A KNIFE!!!" to carve a pumpkin, so I got out some paints so he could decorate a pumpkin, too.

 When the paints were all gone, I gave him some water to paint the deck.  But, he got a little frustrated because "Baxter keep drinking my water!!"

Toasted pumpkin seeds...I'm not much of a fan, but Pat and Oliver love them!

Oliver's 2nd grade Halloween party--Oct. 28, 2011

Every Halloween, Oliver's school has a costume parade/fall party.  I was able to help with the party...Pat agreed to watch Eli during that time, but he lucked out and Eli slept the whole time.  (I'm not sure Pat would say he "lucked out" by working instead of playing with Eli, but with all of the work he has had lately, it was good that he has those extra couple of hours.  Anyway, it was fun to see all of the kids dressed up and excited!  As a parent, I can say a previous teacher, I don't know if I would have used the word "fun." :)

Oliver's 2nd grade class 

 Oliver and his good friend, Baxter, dressed as Transformers

Heading down the hall for the costume parade! 

Oliver and his WONDERFUL teacher, Miss Ewert

Wichita Wings game--Oct. 26, 2011

The Wichita Wings is an indoor soccer team that just recently started up again.  We haven't had a team for quite a while...I remember going to a game when I was in elementary school which was in the 80's (YIKES!).
Anyway, the organization just started up again and they had a scrimmage/try-out game that Oliver's soccer team went to.  I know this is a big shocker, but Oliver loved it!  Pat is already looking at season tickets, so I have a feeling we might be attending just one or two more Wichita Wings games in the future!

Phase 3--Oct. 23, 2011

Dad and Mom made another trip to our house to help with the final stage of our front landscaping (at least for this particular project.)  Dad roto-tilled the ground, and then he, Pat, Oliver and our neighbor, Jacob dug holes and planted a few things.  Everything still looks very bare, but hopefully things will perk up next spring and the front of our house will have a little more color!  I'm just so happy that those overgrown monsters are gone!

Oliver's last outdoor soccer game--Oct. 22, 2011

Oliver had a really good soccer season this fall!  He had so much fun playing and loved his teammates.  Even though we weren't supposed to keep score (the league is supposed to be more for fun than competition) the Wheathawks won or tied all of their games except one...the other team had a last minute shot that bounced off the corner of the goal.  Just a couple pictures of the Wheathawks...

Now on to basketball and indoor soccer!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

I'm so sorry, little pumpkin--Oct. 20, 2011

Dear little pumpkin,

Today while Eli and I were at Wal-Mart, we picked up a big pumpkin for Oliver to take to school tomorrow.  Eli also had his eye on you, so I thought, why not?  You came home with us also.  You probably figured you were in for a rough time of it, since Eli dropped you numerous times on the floor of Wal-Mart, but I'm really sorry for what happened to you once we got home.  You have been dropped, rolled, kicked, sniffed, thrown, and at one point, even "punted."  I must say, you are a strong little pumpkin and I really appreciate you not breaking all over my floor.  Despite all of your torture, you are greatly loved.  Eli continues to look at you and say, "I love it!!"  Thank you for making my little boy happy!
