A couple of weeks ago, we drove to Kansas City with some friends to spend a day at Worlds of Fun! The boys were more than ready to get on the road!

Oliver with all of his traveling gear...a hat, sunglasses and a neck pillow!

Oliver thought Eli needed the same!

The babies (who really aren't babies anymore) waiting for the big kids to go on a ride.
Huey Pankratz, Otto Pankratz, Aubrey Stuckey, Eli

Abe and Oliver

Eli and Aubrey playing with Snoopy

Eli, trying his best to stand still for a picture

This is the Mamba, the very FIRST roller coaster that Oliver ever went on. It just happens to be the tallest and fastest roller coaster at the park (going 78 mph). Let's just say it was Pat's idea to take him on it, not mine! Thankfully, he actually liked it and wasn't traumatized, like I thought he would be! This was our conversation after he got off the ride...
Me: Oliver! How was it??
Oliver: Awesome!!
Me: Do you want to go on it again?
Oliver: NO!!!!

Afternoon nap

Eli feeding Aubrey grapes, okay more like shoving grapes in her mouth, but she didn't seem to mind!

Tyler and Oliver after they rode on the Flying Dragon

This is how the boys spent the first 15 minutes in our hotel room...rolling around on the bed, wrestling with each other! Oliver was so excited about our day spent at Worlds of Fun, and Eli was so excited to be out of his car seat and stroller!

All of the kids