For the first time, we took Oliver to the Kansas State Fair! This is a picture of the first ride he went on, before it started. I don't think he quite knew what to expect, because during the middle of it, he told Pat, "This is freaking me out!" I wish I had a picture of his expression during the ride...it was drastically different from this happy face! Even so, when it was over, he was ready to try another ride!

The "junior" roller coaster

The bumper cars with his friend, Abe

The bubble...which he claims was his favorite!

Trying out some yummy fair cuisine!

Cheering on the racing pigs

Enjoying the view from the ferris wheel! (I'm pretty proud of myself...I'm the one who took this picture, which means I was actually up on the ferris wheel! A big step for someone who HATES high places! I guess it just took a little convincing from Pat and Oliver!)